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Where are we ?

Our congregation is international. We are on 4 continents: Europe, Asia, Africa and America.


We live our missions in 11 countries: Algeria, Angola, Brazil, Canada, France, Italy, Madagascar, Myanmar (Burma), Philippines, Poland, USA.

Whatever the country, our vocation is to be women of Reconciliation before  God  and before  humanity.


In Algeria, our community of 4 Sisters of Madagascar is south of the Sahara, in El Menia (formerly El Goléa), and our Sisters work in the promotion of women with deaf and mute women to help them live in dignity. There is support in French and the rehabilitation of children with disabilities. In a Muslim society where women and children are little considered, they work to uplift, lead to more life… they also guide pilgrims to the tomb of Brother Charles, of which they are in charge.

In 1997, in Angola, a community of the Messenger Sisters of Our Lady of La Salette was recognized by the Bishop of Benguela. They merged with the Sisters of La Salette in 2004. The sisters participated in the family pastoral . They animate celebrations, provide catechesis, work in hospitals and accompany and visit the sick. They work in the parishes and neighborhoods according to the requests of the bishops and the calls of the parishes.



In Brazil, we have two communities: a "more in the South" and a "more in the North".

In the South, our Sisters of Brazilian origin, now a bit old, are involved in the pastoral care of children, health, visits to people who are alone...

In the North, we have created a center "Luz de la Salette" (the Light of La Salette) which is a school for street children. The school system in Brazil means that children go to school either in the morning or in the afternoon. The other half-day, they are in the street: easy prey for drug trafficking or prostitution. Our center wants to allow them to be removed from this danger…


A community of 4 Sisters lives in English Canada in Vancouver. This community is mainly at the service of Filipino migrants but also in catechesis, visiting the sick, in retirement homes...

This country which has more than 66 million inhabitants on an area of 643 801 km² is the source place of the Congregation. Indeed, the apparition of Our Lady took place in La Salette, on these lands in the Alps between Grenoble and Gap.
The province of France has 20 communities in 11 dioceses (Autun, Besançon, Grenoble, Le Puy-en-Velay, Lyon, Marseille, Montpelller, Périgueux-Sarlat, Saint-Etienne, Saint-Flour, Viviers). one of the sisters is in Ségus to support the Benedictine Oblate sisters of Albi.
The sisters carry out missions in the parishes for catechesis, liturgical animation, pastoral care of health. They are also present in sanctuaries where they welcome pilgrims and visitors. They are engaged in the service of several bishops in bishoprics.
The sisters are of Malagasy, French Angolan, Burmese nationality. and Brazilian. They are 78 with 2 young people in formation to explore religious life.

The peninsula and islands that make up Italy total 301,277 km².

The population is 59,464,644 (October 9, 2011, decennial census).

Italy is also a delegation and depends on the general council.

The congregation has been present in Italy since 2009. The first community was established in Naples before moving it to Garaguso, in the Diocese of Tricarico. Since 2010, THE community of Stigliano has been born in the same diocese.


To better update the message of Mary during her appearance in La Salette, the sisters are dedicated to passing on this message which said “go my children, make it well passed on to all my people”. This is why they are at the service of the restoration of Eucharistic adoration, prayer of the rosary in the churches. They participate in the liturgy, catechesis. They make home visits to people who are alone or isolated. They carry communion for those people who want it. They also provide pastoral care for caritas. The congregation being international, the members are of Angolan and Malagasy origin. They are 7 nuns.

Madagascar is an island located in theIndian Oceanat 400 km east of the coastafrican. In2016, the population is estimated at 24,430,325.
The area is 587040 km2.
Madagascar is a Province bearing the name "Promotor of Hope".
The congregation has been present on this island since 1976.  The charism of reconciliation is also manifested among the poorest, the lesser and the disinherited.
The sisters are involved in social and humanitarian works with children, young people and adults. They have schools and boarding schools. They have a medical center and dispensary in the bush. They have a "green school" center to help with training related to the rural world. They ensure the promotion of women. They also support children with disabilities.
They are present in 7 dioceses  and distributed in 20 communities.
The sisters are 70  Religious and 47 young people are in formation to become nuns.


Burma or Myanmar is a Southeast Asian country located in the Indochinese peninsula. According to the 2014 census, the first since 1983, Burma would have
51,419,420 inhabitants The area is 678,528 km2.

Myanmar is a delegation in the congregation. It reports directly to the General Council.

The Sisters of Notre Dame de la Salette have been present there  since 2002, but officially installed in 2005. The delegation is there to put into action its charism of reconciliation which manifests itself among the poorest, the the diminished and the disinherited.

The specificity of this delegation is its youth. All members are natives of the country, young and dynamic.

Our sisters work in two dioceses: Rangoon and Myitkyina. They are involved in vocation ministry, biblical ministry, center for the blind, caritas and then in the camp of war victimsla . They participate in the mission of the parish as sacristine, catechism and for the pontifical missionary work.

Currently, there are 16 nuns on site. There are young people in training.


In the Philippines, our Sisters are engaged in schools and with the poorest. Suffering community in a country that lives under a dictatorship that does not speak its name, they help victims of various forms of violence (natural disasters or political consequences) to regain some dignity. Our world thirsts for the gift of God's reconciliation which is our charism.



This country has 38.53 million inhabitants. (2013)

The area of the country is 312,685 km2.

The sisters opened their first community in 1911 in Dobowiec. The vagaries of the 20th century did not make it possible to stay in the country, but in the early 2000s, the sisters returned there. The sisters are 7 of 4 nationalities: Polish, Malagasy, Burmese, Filipino. a young woman is in formation to become a nun.



In the USA, they also work in a Sanctuary of Our Lady of La Salette, in the parish, as hospital chaplains and in a house called "Christ House": a beautiful way to call the house which welcomes the homeless (equivalent to our "Catholic relief")

In summary: Our mission takes shape in communities sent to live in the midst of the People of God. In education, health, social action, pastoral care, sanctuaries or any other activity linked to our charism, it commits us to liberating, reconciling, uplifting, connecting, leading to greater dignity and life...

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